Making the Most of London in the Rain

If you find yourself with less than ideal weather in London there is no need to fret. Luckily, London is one of those cities with lots to do on a rainy day. There is more than enough to explore in London indoors while waiting for the sunshine to peek through those infamous cloudy skies. As a matter of fact, planning ahead on a rainy day alternative to outdoor plans would be wise choice.
London is a go to destination for some of the best museums in the entire world. Looking back a couple of hundred years, London was the center of all modern exploration. Everything that was being learned about in history was being done so by people in and around London. Many of the artifacts that really needed to be examined or that were particularly spectacular went there. This created the perfect environment for some of the most vast and stunningly awe inspiring collections of antiquities and art ever seen.
Such mythical artifacts like the Rosetta Stone can be found housed in the British Museum. Seeing those types of incredibly priceless pieces of history inches in front of your eyes is a once in a lifetime experience that doesn’t even need to wait for a rainy day, but what better excuse! There are more top tier museums in London than one could possibly visit in a single trip. Make sure to plan ahead on which of them you’d like to see so you don’t miss out on any of your favorites. Another option is buying an audiobook CD about the cities history and listening to it as you explore.
The theatre scene in London is another not to be missed destination for any trip to the city on a rainy day. London is world renowned for its theatre and performance arts. Whether it’s nightly standup comedy at a pub, or renditions of Shakespeare’s classics performed in costume, the theatre in London is second to none. The other great thing is that finding discount theatre tickets is quite easy with countless theatres in competition to court your attention.
So, checking these destinations off of your to do list on a rainy day simply gets two birds with one stone. If anything the drab and cool climate of a rainy London day will exaggerate creating the mood in a dimly lit London theatre. The recreation of Shakespeare’s Globe Theater is one of the most famous tourist destinations for live theater and history, and makes for a fantastic and educational visit.
Cafes and pubs are another of London’s specialty attractions. The native love of teas and coffee is not just a myth. Some of the best teas and beverages can be found being brewed in the pubs and cafes on the streets of London. Come night time, a pint of any British ale can be enjoyed while trading the cool nights for great company and laughs with locals and tourists alike.
There’s no need to fear a rainy day in London ruining a day of fun and exploration. In fact, given the amount of time London is suffering from its famous fog or misty days there’s no excuse to not enjoy London to the fullest extent.
Posted on: December 16, 2012
By Hannah